Originally Posted by ratbastid
You should probably post this in the "Getting Girls" thread. That's as close as I'm going to get to giving advice here.
I find this both fascinating and depressing.
It's not the question itself, so much as the tone. The "seduction" scene has all this weird jargon and acronyms and stuff. It's kind of creepy, all these guys huddled together speaking some strange language to each other about how to score with women. The topics were different, in the forts I made with my pals back when I was 8 years old, but the rest is identical.
How about going OUT among other humans? How about being YOURSELF? Whatever happened to HONESTY? Does our most basic human instinct--attraction, love and sex--have to be reduced to pawns on a game board? What a shame that is.
Or maybe it's just that my "game" has "evolved"...
If girls were as straightforward as guys are we wouldn't have this mess.
Girls can be flaky, ambivalent, wish-washy, capricious, which causes guys to have to resort to this kind of shit.
And no, that does not mean all the girls i've interacted with have bad character or whatnot. I've interacted with a few 'good' ones and from my friends' experiences as well, girls can be VERY fickle (even teh good ones).
And, seriously guys, you have to be yourself and honest, but you have to know how to present it properly. If you hang out with a girl only a few times, then, being honest, say "I like you" most likely you will get smack back and she will run. No, I am not scarred. But you just have to read it right.
And those 'game' skills the OP talks about just helps you navigate the social mazes. And no, that doesn't mean that only 'bad' girls play the social game.
If you step into a job interview and say, "I really really am super qualified and I totally want to work for you! Please!" I wonder how they will react. But if you play it cool, be confident, say it slow and steady, in a more proper way, you will do much better. Does that mean your being fake? Nooo.. you have to handle the social aspect too.
The argument would be: if you play the 'game', you attract only those bad-characters who 'play the game'. This just depends on what extent and how you 'play the game'. Like skier said, if you use it only as a tool to better present yourself, then bravo. If you act deceitful with it, then well, thats bad in my opinion.