I have my senior recital coming up this April and I still have some song texts that I can't get a good translation of on my own, so it's time to seek out some help! In particular I'm stuck on this Handel cantata. It's in three movements and I'm pretty sure the texts are only loosely connected from the work I've managed to do. For the most part it seems like it'd be pretty easy, but still I can't figure it out.

Also, I only have the words directly from the music so I don't know how the stanzas might break down or I might break apart the words incorrectly, so sorry if that's kinda confusing. So, here are the texts

Pastorella vagha bella rendi amore (or rendiamore) per amor; Giovenetta vezzosetta, dona mi cara cor per cor.
Cosi alla bella Nicea Tirsi fedel dicea, quel Tirsi amante, quel Tirsi fedele de tante volto, e tante per sua ninfe condele sparse invan (or maybe sparseinvan) sospiri, e querele distrusse si fratimor, e frasperanza di quella fiera bella che delude la sua costanza, chie de pieta conquest'accenti amorosi e dolenti.
Solo per voi tra mille mille care pupille arde il cor, Deh rispondete, con dolce faville e meno rigor a tanta fe, a tanto amor.
So, hopefully someone out there might know something!