Thank you, Sage.

I really appreciate hearing your personal experience on this, and it makes me feel all the more "normal" having heard that other guys are icky like that, too.
Last question for you all: I know that I want to end this thing tonight, as in, ASAP. However, the guy sent me an e-mail this morning (right before calling me), asking me not to call him unless I wanted to be friends again. A few sentences later, he said please call me because I don't want to talk about this via e-mail.

But in the phone call, he made it clear that he wanted me to call him after 10pm, not to e-mail, about my decision regarding the friendship. I said, well, I am not calling you tonight, so don't expect anything (I felt he was being controlling again). But I implied that I would do the justice of at least calling him to end this thing.
Now, though, I don't even know if I want to risk calling him, in case he gets desperate and tries to engage me in a debate. I don't want a debate. I don't want to talk with him. I just want to end it. I would almost rather just do that over e-mail, since there is nothing to discuss and I feel more comfortable controlling that situation (he is very manipulative on the phone/in person, one of the main reasons I can't stand him anymore).
What do you guys think: phone or e-mail? I hate the idea of ending a relationship via e-mail... but I don't know. I am looking out for #1 here.