I know what you are feeling. But then- much of the advice of trusting is good. For some reason I have had a hard time trusting my SO- and I am trying to ask myself why.
If you do, however, feel uncomfortable with it, I know it can be hard to dismiss. It's like that ugly knot in your stomach you get when something doesn't feel right to you. It IS possible to bring up with her, but you have to do it effectively so that she will not feel offended or think that you are not trusting her. I'd say- give it a little more time. Analyze it with positive questions as to why you feel the way you do and why she may be acting this way.
If that knot is still there, be delicate with discussing it. What a friend told me is to steer clear of using "feelings" and say something along the lines of "this doesn't really work for me. It is hurting me and makes me uncomfortable. You can make the choices you wish......and with the choices you make, I will then need to look at my choices........." No feelings, no ultimatum, no accusations.
I am still working on this..........here is a method I am actually going to take the time to do tonight:
-write down any negative questions and thoughts........read them over ONCE.........
-meditate on this, only turning them into positive questions and thoughts- approx. 20 min.
-take the negative things I wrote and toss them into the fire.......ONE by ONE. (if you can't burn them, tear them up)
This is a release for me and I believe that in doing this, I can give myself a subconcious boost in letting go.
Because I know- I want to have a working relationship. A part of me has been scared that if I put full trust in someone, that it will get broken. I don't want to become vulnerable. But at the same time, in my actions, words, or just the feeling of not trusting him- it shows. And that can tear us apart, as he would withdraw.
SO- honestly- do your part. You can't just whine and moan and want the other person to change- it all starts with you.