on the wedding perspective....let me add....while you might not have liked it, sometimes that kind of behaviour is necessary. I myself told my own parents not to come to my wedding at one point because of grief they were causing about the actual wedding (not about Dave, they adore him). Until you've tried to plan a wedding and dealt with both sets of parents its easy to sit back and say....they shouldnt have treated their family that way.....what about the bride? should the family have treated her the way the did(just play devils advocate here). Its not unusual....TRUST me, read some of the vent threads on wedding boards (even the one I run) and you'll see this girl was probably not alone in the way she felt.
That aside.....if you feel you should end the friendship by all means do it....I was just unclear as to if the guy REALLY understood how uncomfortable you were. Dave and I flirt around with lots of people in that way....but we also know we have friends that dont like it and we are very careful to avoid any behaviour like that around them.
oh and yes I have told someone that I couldnt be friends with them anymore....and I told them why because I think its really unfair not to let the person know why....to just leave them out in the cold so to speak
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!