Originally Posted by martinguerre
Occasionally, even good and decent people muck things up to the point where it's best to consider the number of people in the world, and compare the time and energy it would take to repair this existing connection to something healthy against the effort to make new connections without this history.
Thanks, martin. This is exactly where I am stuck right now. I feel like he and I (and his wife, and my boyfriend) are good and decent people... but I have been doubting all along whether or not it is worth the time and energy. The friend told me on the phone today that to him, it is very much worth it because he misses me so much. I told him I was not sure, that I needed time to think about it. I don't miss him, and while our friendship was valuable for me in the past, I am really unsure of how valuable it is to me now. I honestly felt like I was talking to an ex... I can't shake that feeling.