(Been gone all weekend again..)
Well, if you take anyone and beat them to a pulp, that's one hell of a "material condition" to influence the formation of your ideology. Granted, there are plenty of people whose material condition are just as bad and they do not turn to extremism; there are also plenty of people who seem to be better off (those "middle class" types) and who DO turn to extremism.
Keep in mind, though, that "material conditions" does not always mean "poor" (and this relates more to the other thread, but I'll say it here too). It also applies when a group's entire material culture (e.g. their economy) is being overwhelmed by a dominant culture, particularly the core market taking command of the periphery, and people start to feel threatened by that. An extremist ideology is often the most attractive path out of desperation... hell, I've been there. I was an extreme evangelical many moons ago, but it wasn't because I was poor. It was because my parents were splitting up and my home was falling apart. My parents basically walked away from their emotional responsibilities and the church took their place. Is that material conditions? Yep, I think so.
Anything that destroys the material components of your daily life, including basic things like having food to eat together as a family, or getting beat up on your way home from school... all of that has the potential to shape your ideology. It also works for those who are affluent... anything that *enhances* your material conditions is going to become ideologically attractive, too.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran