I got home and found no results, so I made my own.
Pursuant to the original wager, the results are based on the average deviation of the NDP and the Liberals; we took the Bloc and Conservatives out of the equation, because our estimates were the same for those two, or at least close enough that it wouldn't effect the outcome signifigantly.
I whipped up a quick spreadsheet and plugged in the numbers. Here's what I got :
Martian :
Deviation of liberals - 2.86%
Deviation of NDP - 38.3%
Total margin of error - 21 seats
Average deviation - 20.58%
highthief :
Deviation of liberals - 23.31%
Deviation of NDP - 37.93%
Total margin of error - 42 seats
Average deviation - 30.62%
The numbers are a bit misleading - I'd say the contest was pretty close. We both missed the NDP by nearly the same amount, only I gave them too much credit and you gave them too little. With that, it was my luck on the Liberals (102 was my estimate vs the 105 seats they actually got) that put me ahead.
Do you want me to find you a logo, or do you think you can handle that yourself?