Originally Posted by maleficent
The officer was killed not 10 miles from where I'm sitting right now. Yesterday, my beloved little city nearly shut down for the funeral, which coincidentally is practically in my back yard.
A number of officers from New Bedford came down to attend the service, which I thought was commendable.
I have very little else to add other than to say that it's a bit simple to say that this kind of hatred stems from simple ignorance. It's something...more. These idiots choose to be ignorant. For whatever reason---to please a parent, to fit in with others, whatever---these idiots choose to stay ignorant because it's easier and less unsettling to take their fear and turn it into irrational hate than face the harder truth about others or, worse, themselves.
I'm sure there are other factors and I'm not even sure what that 'more' is, but to dismiss this kind of act as simple ignorance...well, it just doesn't sit right with me.