Originally Posted by oshin
thanks for the input people, irronically my birthday is on Valentine's day.
so ya i turn 22. We started dating when i was 18 (she actually asked me out )
Time will definity solve alot of things on its own. But i hate waiting 
Yeah, it sucks. What it basically comes down to is you have to realize that she's not coming back and move on with your life. It's a process that might take 1 month, 6 months or a year. Or more, even.
Don't rush it. You'll be past this when you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
A wise man once told me...
...wherever you are is okay. You feel sad and lost today, then fine, be sad and lost today. Might not be like that tomorrow, but today it's like that. Tomorrow maybe you'll feel like telling people to fuck off and leave you alone. If so, you go for it. Any damage you do can be explained and fixed later.
Sage wisdom that I definitely took to heart, when I was in your position.