hi everyone.
Well i was with my gf for four yerars and about two months ago she brokeup with me. It sort of wasnt a suprise as i have not been the same person she fell in love with 4 years ago. i didn not treat her the way i used to maybe becuase i got too comftrable with her. At the begining i tried calling her and asking her to get back with me but that just got her mad to the point where she would get pissed off if i called her or showed up at her house to see her. its been almost 3 weeks since i last talked to her or saw her and i miss her alot. I still ove her with all my heart and so does she(she told me that last time i saw her). my relationship wit her was a beatiful thing becuase we saw eachother 340 days out of the 365 and we talked EVery day without any exceptions. She is a strong girl (emotinlly ofcoarse ) as shes been throguh alot in her life. She told me that she wishes she could be with me but when she think about it logically we cannot be together becuase we are two different people. Im very confused as to what i should do , i mean we talked about marrige and all she told her parents that she wanted to marry me and be with me for the rest of her life. I know i can be the person who she fell in love with and i want to be because it makes me a better person as to who ive become in the past year. But she doesnt wanna belive me anymore becuase wed broken up b4 but it only lasted for 2 weeks , last breakups were more the less the same issues but not to this extend. she told me that we grew apart in the last couple of months and its probably cuz of my actions. everyone who i talk to or tell the news to get shocked . friends and everyone though we were happy (with the exception of last couple of months). I can not see myself without her nor with any other girl. she broguht me something that no other girl had b4 and i feel sorry for what icve done and the way i treated her. I dont know if shell ever call me again and i dont know if well be together again but i know one thing that il love this girl forever. I dont know what to do anymore i tried everything but she doesnt want to see me at all. last time i saw her she told me maybe one day we can sit and discuss this but not now . and knowing that just kills me . in a way this break up was a good thing becuase i realized alot of things , but i would hate it if i lost her forever.
thnaks for listening people
comments are welcome.