As you can already tell you are in for a real adventure.....there will be lot's of decisions to be made. Keep a journal, there will be too much to remember. Take pictures along the way, that will really help too. You only build your first home once.
I was a home builder for ten years here in Florida and one tip that I always told my buyers was this....When the house is framed and just before the insulation and drywall go in, take an afternoon and videotape the entire house. Go slow, not just a walking tour, something that you can view later in slo-mo. Houses look so small when there are no actual walls and you can see from one end of the house to the other. The reason for the video is so you can see where all the wiring, ductwork and pipes are in the walls and ceilings. You will want to make changes in your furniture layout and will wonder 'Is there a cable line on that wall?' or 'Could I make a pass-thru over there?'. You will see where the electric lines run and will know if you could add an outlet here or there.
Also, put phone and cable wiring in every room of the house. The builder usually includes 2 or 3 as standard, but spend the extra money for the additional runs. You never know, and it is an expensive PITA to add them later. Also talk to your builder about where your water heater will be located. If it is far from your kitchen or baths, be sure to include a 'hot water return' line. Your builder will know what I mean.
Good luck and keep us informed on your progress.
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau
"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson