Originally Posted by The_Jazz
All of this is stuff that should be picked up in the final walk-through(s). When we built our house, we were there 6 or 7 times in the weeks before closing. Your home inspector (pretty much required by any lendor) is going to pick up anything that you missed.
And this will, maybe, work fine in a state that actually regulates its residential construction industry. In many states, there isn't a whole lot of regulation. Contractors don't even have to be licensed. And if you wait till the final walkthru, after the house is already built, to catch something that you could have caught 2 months ago, the odds are greatly against you that you will get the problem fixed without having to spend extra money.
In fact there have been actual court cases where the ruling has been, in laymans terms "they got it close enough, the house is functional, the contractor doesn't have to fix it."
Personally when I build a house I don't want to be on the wrong end of a "tough shit" situation. That's one of the reasons I will be inspecting their work on a very regular basis. The other reason is that if they see me there all the time they're less likely to think they can get away with shit.