All good advice above. I concur with Bill, with my own twist. When she makes a bald statement of some secret matter out of the blue, just ask, "Do you need to talk about that?" Be encouraging. If she has things to say, listen.
And if she says no, I don't want to, say "Well, if you ever need to, I'm here." _And then immediately move on to something else, however mundane._
Eventually she'll either come clean and talk, or she won't. If she doesn't, she's either one of those people who just has things pop out of their head sometimes, as somebody said, or she just likes the shock value. If she's just doing it on impuluse, she'll keep doing it, and you'll keep doing your reality check (Are you okay? Want to talk?) and then move on to the next subject. That's just a fact of life with her. If she's just doing it for attention, though, she'll eventually stop. Because you won't be giving her enough of a reaction to be satisfying to her.