Extremes, Purity or Highly Experienced
This is a poll about whether you would like your SO to be one extreme or the other in two hypothetical situations. The averages (5-7 beers a day, 10 partners a year, etc) are just to give a baseline, increase or decrease them if you think they are or arn't extreme enough. (SO=significant other)
"Sex-Highly Experienced" would generally include an average of 10 partners a year since 16 (until they met you) and we'll say theyre disease free since I don't think anyone would choose this option otherwise (if so though, please post why.)
"Sex-Pure" would be a virgin until they met you, they may have had previous relationship experience, and they have no qualms about having sex once they meet you.
"Drugs-Highly Experienced" The other situation is basically with drugs, which would include caffeine (4-7 cups of coffee or tea a day), alcohol (avg 5-7 beers a day), marijuana (couple times a week), exstasy (once a week), and anything else along those lines that's not really nasty stuff like crack, although maybe they do herion or coke like once a year or something. The point is an extreme...but without being on the verge of death each week, just unhealthy. In this case they would continue their drug habits once theyve met you.
"Drugs-Pure" And of course the opposite would be no drugs, legal or otherwise, at all.
Crud, I messed up the options in the poll, they need to be able to check multiple options. Could a mod please edit? I'm not seeing a place to edit the poll.
Last edited by Zeraph; 02-04-2006 at 07:35 PM..