Originally Posted by Rodney
...What makes it happen? Every social group needs somebody to look down on, somebody you can legally show contempt for. It's a common but harmful safety valve for dealing with the crap in your own life that you don't know how to cope with or feel powerless over. And when you're near the bottom of the barrel...
The hate comes from confusion and unfairness and hate in their own lives. We all have to deal, and some of us deal with it badly through fear and hate and prejudice; but most of us hide such things, or apply them indirectly. Young men -- who frankly, don't have all their judgment or experience in place yet, and aren't fully socialized -- tend to react with direct violence. Against gays, against other racial or ethnic groups, and so on.
When you look at a revolutionary or subversive group that takes power against an old regime ...the wise old heads at the top seek out an army of angry, disaffected young men to be their foot soldiers. They tell them that all their problems are _not_ caused by their environment, or their parents, or their lack of education, but _this_ evil group over there. Which they can attack and kill for the good of themselves and all other right-thinking individuals. And then the young men go out ... While the old men take political advantage, and smile.
Incredible post.
That is it, right there. Never underestimate the "Pack Mentality". I truly believe that the human need to fit in out-ranks most others. Maslow had it pretty well defined, but I think fitting in is more necessary than sex.
If you don't fit in, and there is a group willing to take you in, you will do it. If they want you to hate a certain group, you will do it. If they want you to dress a certain way, you will do it.
When you are alone, nothing else matters. "Old Men" know this, and take advantage of it.
BTW, might I take offence to the usage of the term "Old Men"? No? Oh, okay, no problem.