Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Being candid with your children in regards to sex is very important, regardless of their age. Just err on the side of science, and use the proper terms for body parts. As they get older they'll learn the slang terms from peers and even sex ed. Remember, you have the ability to set her up for her sexual future, and by telling her the truth now, you make it clear that sex is something that can be talked about with you, and trust me, she'll remember that later.
YES, I fully agree. Owl, you are going to make a great mom. I am learning a lot from TFP in general about how I will talk to my own potential children about sex... and man, it will be different from how I was raised! Thank god.
Raeanna, I haven't raised a kid yet, but I'd say that it's best to answer your daughter as clearly and objectively as possible. Take a deep breath and then just answer her questions as she fires them off... no scooting around issues, no shuffling them off till later, no sign of embarrassment. I think that if you demonstrate a model of a confident woman who is open to her child's questions about sex (or anything else), then your daughter's character can only be strengthened by your integrity. Even if other kids do find out from her... who cares? Better that she found out from you, than from them. And maybe those other parents will be upset, but deep down they are just ashamed that they can't be as open and professional as you are.
/two cents.