Originally Posted by willravel
After this, I will have to trust her.
There is only so much a parent can do without becoming a tyrant.
This is the part about parenting that really freaks me out... trusting my own kids. But then again, my parents never sat me down and did all that amazing stuff you are talking about, willravel... I think if they had, I honestly would not have been that curious at such a young age.
I think educating kids as much as possible about the realities of this stuff provides a VERY strong foundation, if not to stop them from porn but certainly to keep the lines open between child and parent. For me, I want my future child(ren) to feel comfortable asking me and my spouse about *anything,* and to not feel threatened/embarrassed about their bodies/sexuality. Of course, there is privacy... but I hope they will not be the type to "hide" things from me. It is a mutual trust, isn't it?... I never really had that, but I want to provide that.