When my aughter becomes computer litterate (a year or two from now), she will be restricted to one media hour a day (now she has 3, all programming approved by my wife and I). If she earns it, she can have more (up to 2). This media is tv, dvd, internet, or games. She can listen to music as long as she wants. I know enough about Mac OS to know if she's checking out porn online. When I see the signs (including but not limited to deleted history), we will have the birds and the bees conversation. Included in this conversation will be proper behavior with pornography - what is and isn't tabboo, what is dangerous, what is antisocial, what is dangerous - and masterbation - how often is normal, everyone does it, tabboo conversation for public, etc. After this, I will have to trust her.
There is only so much a parent can do without becoming a tyrant.