Originally Posted by ASU2003
I should have go into therapy and had help fixing my life at age 13, not 23.
Shit ASU, you have a lot of stuff going on. I am sorry to hear your story... but thank you for being honest here. That's what TFP is for. Have you written in your journal about this?...
I just wanted to say that I started going to counseling when I was 23... so believe me, you're not the first one. And yeah, would've helped if I'd gone ten years earlier, but my parents were not the most healthy couple as it... doubt they recognized how awful my internal life was becoming as a teenager.
So you know what? You're not 33, 43, 53, etc. You're pretty damn young, actually, and you can change those patterns that you dislike in yourself. Starting at 23 is nothing... there is plenty of time to work on all your shit. It comes down to how much you care about yourself and want to have healthy relationships in the future. I very heartily encourage you to seek out counseling, and let us know how it goes!!