I have started to talk to my son about it. He is 11 and on the Internet. For now, all his time spent on line is at the dining room table in my clear line of sight.
He is still at the phase where girls are icky but he is about to make the leap to the opposite. It could happen any day.
Part of the conversation is as Mal suggests above, talk about what porn is and how it differs from reality. I will also (as icky as it is) talk about fantasizing and masturbation (we had the birds and bees talk long ago, as well as the condom talk -- though I will likely go over this again).
The best thing to do is provide a solid example of how to treat the opposite sex. I do this everyday. Teaching him respect for others and especially to your family and those you love. It may sound corny but there is no better way to teach how to respect others than to model it for someone.
On top of this, his mother also reinforces a lot of this in her chats with him... after all it's both of us raising the guy, not just me.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke