I seem to be on this rant lately.. so i'll keep it going here... There's nothing wrong with porn as long as it's not the only thing in the person's life.. I think age 13 is a little young for it, but I'm a old fuddy duddy...
The conversation that I think would need to be had with a teenage boy, and even a teenage girl as well.. The models in porn are airbrushed and while most are very attractive, they have lighting people, and airbrushers, and make up and hair people to help them look better than they do... Some people I've seen (and it honestly seems to be thoser that had instant access to porn, and not just swiping their dad's playboys) have a skewed view of what females should look like...
As long as it's all kept in perspective...
Though dad sitting down with the kid and perusing porn together- well that's just a little --ummm-- ewww...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.