I think it would be important to explain the difference between porn and the real world. People growing up on porn might have pre-concieved conceptions of what sex really is, and that is I believe one of the major issues about pornography is it does not really depict sex in a realistic light. Not every woman has that body, breasts, hair or flexible. Not every man has.... equipment such as that. Not every woman likes <insert strange sexual position or other sexual favor> so on and so forth.
However I would venture to guess my reaction to my teenage boy watching pornography would be along the lines of wanting to be careful about the situation. Sitting him down and explaining the rights and wrongs about women, how to treat them and what sex really is. I would not like my kids surfing porn when they are minors only because you never know what they might run across in terms illegal content and would rather they get something that at least is not something that will come back to haunt them. I wouldn't be opposed to giving them a playboy mag. In the end, Boys will be boys and it's natural to be curious about the female body and there's nothing they can do about it unless they have exceptional will power.
As you said, there is no way to keep your boy from it. Either they will be using computers their entire lives and learned how to trick their old man and hide their sex vids on the computer, or they'll have a friend who will help them. Teenage boys, unless they are raised in a very conservative lifestyle will look at porn in some form or the other. Education is the best tool that Parents have period, and that's what you need to use to keep your kid morally in line as it pertains to looking at naked women.