I know this is an old thread, but others might stumble onto it as I did... so I'm putting in my tuppence worth.
I agree that it is important to be able to talk with a friend. Most of the time that works very well, and it helps put the situation talked about into perspective.
I would add, however, that it is a good idea to have the number of a Free Clinic or a school counsellor or a mental health helpline number available. There is only so much that we as friends can do, and often we need someone with a bit more expertise than we have, or more detatchment or objectivity, or just a different perspective.
The bottom line of what I'm suggesting is to be helpful, but remember to also take care of your own self. You are your own first priority. Take care of yourself first, then take care of others. There is no gain in destroying yourself.
Along with being a friend and being caring, be careful.