Originally Posted by Toaster126
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. It's extremely judgemental, though. Who are you to say what other people should be doing?
Of course I'm bias to my own opinon. Perhaps it's how I was brought up but the idea of getting off thanks to someone else when you are married just doesn't click to me. I don't mean to be judgemental, unless these people have an open relationship where there is no problem with that sort of behaviour, then he can go ahead and do that until he turns blue in the face and that's fine. But for some reason (although we are hearing only one side of the story) that this guy is trying to justify his actions doesn't sound like someone who is at peace with their actions. Maybe he is, and so be it. I don't think any less of anyone because they do what they do.
I can only formulate my ethics on how I would feel if I had a SO who went to a massage parlor and paid someone 20 bucks (or however much it costs, I have no frame of reference) to get them off. It would be inexcusable to me. That's where I get that from. Everyone has their own lines in the sand. Cheating is indeed subjective to a fault perhaps. I'm a fairly liberal person but on something like marital fedelity it seems like it's very plain and obvious to me as a person, and I think that if someone did that to me as a SO then they would probably be single again as fast as I could tell them that fact in perhaps many more words involving some colourful language. Relationships should be based on trust, maybe the wife is totally cool with it and if so, awesome. If not, not so awesome.