i must say that I am bias being a musician myself and a Jazz guitarist at that. Jazz player take long solos that are almost always to long. That's a thing about the music that turns people away from at as the average music listener cannot connect on a level with music that has no words.
That being said, I don't think it quashes any of my points. Music has changed a lot in 30 year, in terms of what people expect from music... people want to dance and share emotional moments through music more then artist expression of what words might not be sufficient for.
I played a gig on Thursday night when the shortest tune was 14 minutes long because as a Jazz quartet we wanted to stretch out and explore the music, and the musicians. It's a very different thing. I agree, jam band players who know a few scales but really can't play shit (sorry, just because you know a few scales doesn't mean you can blow a good solo. BB King uses like 3 scales and he's BB F'n King). Nothing sucks more then a long, pointless, directionless solo from any instrument.
Therefore I'm sort of glad that there aren't a lot of guitar solos out there of any length beyond perhaps 8 bar tops... reason... people can't play something worth listening to over 4 bars only except for people who are talented, have ut in the time on their axe and have some sort of musical vision.
That's a debate for another time.
I'm going to listen to some Zepplin now.