I just finished up recording a full-length CD at a local studio here in town. Should you choose to download it you will hear several guitar solos, several keyboard/piano solos and one drum solo.
We decided to keep these solo sections short (less than 4 measures in most cases) for a couple of reasons:
1) we are not into masturbatory rock.
2) we are not geniuses on our instruments (well, I am, but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
3) we didn't want to bore anyone with the solo sections. We consider them just a little bit of spice to the over-all flavor.
I love a good solo on any instrument, but I simply can't stand the masturbatory level that guitar "jam" bands take it to. Hey look at me I can play scales and modal harmonies and infinite passing tones.
Unfortunately, jth and onesnowyowl are all too correct about modern players. A good drum solo is something exciting and can be amazing to hear. A bad drum solo can throw off the entire band and put the listener to sleep. Not many people can actually play a good solo though ...