At work, its dress pants or khakis, button up shirts (short or long) and dress shoes.
When I'm wearing casual I usually wear jeans and an unbranded/designed tee shirt, with some sporty (Think Adidas or Puma) tennis shoes.
I guess I'll get more help if I can target some problem areas...
Should I get shirts with designs or solid colors? Front pocket on shirt, or no? Cuffs on pants or not? Pleated or flat front? What colors would look best with light skin/hair? What should I look for in shoes, besides comfort, and what looks most professional? I'd like to dress for the job I want, not the job I have.
Should some of my jeans be tight (I don't buy them to be baggy, but they aren't tight, currently)? Tuck in button up shirts? I'd like to present an air of maturity, without looking old. What kinds of shoes or shirts should I incorporate into my casual attire that would accomplish that?