There has been a revolution in academia in the past 20 years:
Places of higher learning have "Sold Out". They realized that they can make lots of money by having lots of students enter their institution, and leave four years later. What do you think that does to the merit of the degree?
They have grad students teaching classes, for the love of god! 50 years ago, only PhD's would ever lecture, and the class sizes were small (less than 40). The professor knew your name, and actually pushed you.
Oh, but we can mask this horrible trend by putting cute little names on it, like "Accessibility" and "Equality". Cool!
Do I secretly wish that we could go back in time when University was tough? No thanks. They treated women and minorities very poorly in the past.
Oh, and BTW, university is plenty fucking tough. Subjective measures of intelligence like understanding a credit application form does not convince me.
Go back 50 years and present the same credit application to a law student. It would make their fucking head explode.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.