^^ What Rodney said.
Ktspktsp and I have been long-distance (3 hours) for a year now, and it has not been fun. We have made it, though, since we are committed to driving to each other's places every weekend (taking turns). We have at least another year to go. Supposedly I may be going overseas after that (a 7 hour flight away from him) for my PhD research, but you know what?.. at that point in the relationship, after two years of long-distance, I predict being very unwilling to put that kind of strain on the relationship. That is just asking for trouble, at least from my perspective. So either he goes with me, or I delay/forfeit my PhD and stay to be with him. Priorities.
So I guess I am saying that yes, a relationship can handle distance, but only for VERY GOOD REASONS and for a clear, limited timeframe. I am not sure if you have either, here. Now, I'd say that if your gf is willing to follow you out in June (when her contract expires), then the job may be worth taking for 6 months away from her (as long as you find out about salary, benefits, all that stuff they seem to have ignored!). But if your gf is iffy about going, and you are serious about her, stay in town and get in touch with that headhunter. If you have a strong, fulfilling relationship with her, it's not worth risking the loss of the relationship just so you can get a semi-decent job far away.
Evaluate what's important in your life, and ask your gf to do the same. Sit down and talk. 6.5 years is a damn long time...
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran