First of all -- move far away for a part-time job with no assurances? With the offer of all the extra unpaid time you want, so you can get up to speed on _your_ time? And he didn't make a salary offer. Something smells. I wouldn't trust this guy just because he has a nice smile. Your questions are well-taken, and if he waffles and gives no straight answer, it is a bad sign. If he tells you "What are you waiting for, we'll settle all those things when you get here. Come on," it is a _very_ bad sign, and there's something he isn't telling you. He wants to get you on-site and committed before you learn the full story.
I would ask whether this is really a full-time or part-time position at the present time. He may not have the money for a full-timer and is hoping he will get it in a few months; but there's no guarantee.
Having been in somewhat similar positions, I'd say: put the relationship, here and now, before any other considerations. And if I'd been with someone for years and knew we both wanted to get married, I wouldn't take the step of moving further away. Relationships can take a certain amount of strain, and good relationships can take a lot; but the more you test the limits, the more you risk breakage.