I know cases where people fucking DIED and the scumbag didn't get 9 years.
I AM NOT SAYING THE SENTENCE IS TOO HARSH... I just think that I would like to have this judge in my jurisdiction instead of the fucking pansies loafing about now.
Just goes to show you, don't fuck around with big business. They stick together in times like these. Every restaurant owner is thinking "What if she did that to me instead of Wendy's".
I have to send out another commendation to the investigative team that looked for the food service industry worker who lost the finger. When none was found, they expanded their case and looked for good ol' fashioned "Missing finger". Imagine the search results you would get if you did a national healthcare database query. Shit.
BTW, I hear they serve chili twice a week at the correctional centre. Ooooh the irony.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.