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Old 01-18-2006, 04:01 PM   #20 (permalink)
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I saw alot of this crap going through massage therapy school. The thing is, lots of these psuedo science quack ideas like polarity therapy, reiki, and the energy testing that was done to you are actually presented in these schools as valid fact. The national exams even test you on some of it. Chinese medicine ideas in particular, chakras, medians, etc. I imagine its the same in chiropractic school. These are government mandated tests you must take in order to be licensed by the way. So even though this stuff has no scientific merit you still must learn much of it to be licensed. Luckily the massage school i want to taught very clinical structural massage that was based on real science and real research, but the quackery still gets mixed in.

A lot of the students are well meaning people, but lack a solid scientific education. They go to school and learn the trade but dont have any knowledge of the scientific method. Spending a couple months surrounded by the quackery with other people who just want to be the best "healer" possible it can be hard not to beleive the bullshit. When your told you have mystical powers to cure diseases simply by waving your hands in teh right place it can be comforting to beleive that.

Now as far as what he was doing when he put the vial of water near you is a tactic used by holistic stores to sell supplements and treatment sessions.. usually something along the lines of chakra realignment therapy. They put different supplement bottles in your hands etc and "test" you to see if you need it, usually by pushing down on your arm. If you resist the push then you dont need the supplement... sometimes its not an arm push, sometimes its pinching something with your fingers. The energy feild given off by those chemicals is supposed to react in a certain way with your energy feild (aura). If your deficient, you will not be able to resist the push as well supposedly. It all boils down to this wishy wash crap of interacting energy feilds, auras, the flow of your chi and chakras.. its hard for me to type this with a straight face, I dont know how people do that for a living:P
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