You can already do server transfers, but every few weeks they change what servers can transfer. It is normally from a high population to a low. The current eligable servers are the following:
Blackrock (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Warsong (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Illidan (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Proudmoore (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Draka (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Hellscream (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Blackhand (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
I have a different problem, I just reactivated my account, and my friend (who is unemployed) won't logoff

I guess since i am a friend I can allow him cheap entertainment since he cannot afford anything himself. Oh and he plays and improves my char so it isnt horrible.