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Old 12-30-2005, 08:36 PM   #1241 (permalink)
I can't think of a good title
Lokus's Avatar
Location: East Bay Area, CA
I'd go for the OEB. I prefer sword spec to axe spec actually because the sword spec can proc off of anything. Sure with axe spec you can crit on that hamstring for 100 but wouldn't you rather have a sword spec proc for 300-400? You do lose a little damage since you get the 20% bonus crit damage from impale but the sword spec proc on abilities like pummel and hamstring more than make up for it.
The black wind howls...
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Old 01-03-2006, 03:16 AM   #1242 (permalink)
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Location: Ohio! yay!
1.9 patch, go go go!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 01-03-2006, 07:28 AM   #1243 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
I hate BitTorrent, and it hates me. Or at least the campus hates me, and packetshapes it so it downloads slow. Now waiting on the standalone download mirrors to appear.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 01-03-2006, 11:36 AM   #1244 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Wow. That's all I can say. The new armor looks totally badass. I don't wanna ruin it, but the Horde and Alliance have to band together to open up AQ by supporting each others armies. There's actually a Horde general asking the Alliance for help in IF!!! This patch is fucking awesome. Well, except for the warrior nerf.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 01-03-2006, 01:26 PM   #1245 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pragma
I hate BitTorrent, and it hates me. Or at least the campus hates me, and packetshapes it so it downloads slow. Now waiting on the standalone download mirrors to appear.
I have this on my favorites...

I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 01-03-2006, 03:02 PM   #1246 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
I got it off Fileshack (have a Mercury membership there) early this morning, when it came out there. Now I'm just waiting on all of the various mods I use (Titan Panel, Auctioneer) to update for 1.9
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:58 AM   #1247 (permalink)
Location: Georgia Southern University
God... I love new raid reset. It is a god send for those of us in guilds that can't figure out ONE schedule and stick with it.

PS - I just downed Razorgore with my guild on Detheroc last Thursday (Sargeras transfer)! *w00t!* Now we get to wipe on Vael for three weeks. Broodlord, here we come!... eventually

Vael: "Forgive me Mechanical Yeti. Your death only adds to my failure."
I will not walk so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
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Old 01-04-2006, 02:10 AM   #1248 (permalink)
ObieX's Avatar
Location: Shirt and Pants (NJ)
bleh.. when i first heard they were gonna nerf my mage bracers from molten core cuz it had too many resist stats i thought .. maybe.. they would just take off like half (there were 4 points of resist for 2 resists and 8 points to another (i forget which ones). So i thought maybe they'll take the 8, or the 2 4s or maybe the 8 and a 4 but no.. they had to completely remove all of the resists on the item. *poof* 16 stat points lost

This wouldn't piss me off so much if it wasnt my only piece of molten core gear, but it is.
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Old 01-04-2006, 02:12 AM   #1249 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Actually, you pretty much get to wipe on vael forever, because no matter how much further you get in BWL, if just one person screws up on vael, you pretty much wipe. We can kill Chrom right now and I can tell you the single person responsible for each of our six (6) (!!!!!!) Vael wipes tonight. God damn it it's frustrating when people can't figure out how to do their job. Nothing like three tanks pulling out of order and two rogues not knowing how to control their aggro ftw!

It was a long, frustrating night.
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Old 01-04-2006, 06:55 AM   #1250 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
We killed Lucifron to Golemagg last night, and then went and killed Onyxia before the timer reset. I'm really proud of how well my guild does considering all of the e-drama it's been through. I have a ton of DKP now...I don't know whether to wait for Rag to drop a Spinal Reaper or for Razorgore to drop The Untamed Blade, or if I should just go ahead and get the Obsidian Edged Blade from MC.

Our guild does start BWL Thursday. I'm almost glad I'm not going.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 01-04-2006, 10:32 AM   #1251 (permalink)
Zeraph's Avatar
Location: The Cosmos
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Actually, you pretty much get to wipe on vael forever, because no matter how much further you get in BWL, if just one person screws up on vael, you pretty much wipe. We can kill Chrom right now and I can tell you the single person responsible for each of our six (6) (!!!!!!) Vael wipes tonight. God damn it it's frustrating when people can't figure out how to do their job. Nothing like three tanks pulling out of order and two rogues not knowing how to control their aggro ftw!

It was a long, frustrating night.
Are you sure it's their fault? BWL has always been buggy, maybe its a "feature". Like random aggro or something.
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Old 01-04-2006, 01:52 PM   #1252 (permalink)
Scorps's Avatar
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Man I wish I was in some your guys guilds, but I guess thats the shitty part about building a big fun guild.
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Old 01-04-2006, 04:09 PM   #1253 (permalink)
Zeraph's Avatar
Location: The Cosmos
I'm hearing mixed results with the new paladin changes. Some are saying they really got screwed over (talents), but others are saying if you get a little creative you can pull off some big damage. Any paladins here that can comment?
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Old 01-04-2006, 07:51 PM   #1254 (permalink)
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Location: Kingston, Ontario
Originally Posted by Zeraph
I'm hearing mixed results with the new paladin changes. Some are saying they really got screwed over (talents), but others are saying if you get a little creative you can pull off some big damage. Any paladins here that can comment?
Havn't heard much about the paladins but I heard the Warriors are mad!
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:40 AM   #1255 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Location: The North
Originally Posted by Zeraph
Are you sure it's their fault? BWL has always been buggy, maybe its a "feature". Like random aggro or something.
Very sure. Vael's random ability doesn't have to do with pulling hate. When there's a rogue who has 5k more damage than anyone else in the raid and everyone is screaming at him to vanish and he doesn't vanish and pulls hate over the next tank and then doesn't move so vael cleaves all the rogues and then flame-breaths the caster camp, there's nothing random or buggy about it.

Vael is a simple fight. For DPS: don't get hit by anything but fire novas and don't pull hate over tanks. For warriors, it's pull hate in the correct order. They're not hard jobs, but if you're not paying attention, it's easy to fail at either one of them and when you do, you wipe the raid, since Vael is probably the most unforgiving fight I can think of. Sure people make mistakes and you can't win every time, but when you can't get 40 people to pay attention for just three minutes over and over again, it gets really frustrating.

On another note, I think my presence has something to do with people sucking, since when I show up for vael, we have a wipefest (I'm a hunter, I don't ever pull hate on Vael, so I'm sure it's not actually *my* fault). Tonight, while I'm off watcing one of the greatest college football games ever, they one-shot him. GG me.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:45 AM   #1256 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
A few level 60 paladin friends of mine absolutely love the new patch, saying they're doing huge amounts of damage with it. I'll have to ask them for their setups. I haven't heard any 60 pals from our guild bitching about it, actually.

In other news, my Hunter is slowly making progress - did Deadmines for the first time last night and hit 20 when I finished. Woot
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 01-06-2006, 05:22 AM   #1257 (permalink)
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Location: Ohio! yay!
we can't seem to get past razergore.. bah, we have all of MC/Rag and onyxia on phat farm status, we actually did it all in 1 night the other day.. latenight though :P

if my fucking arcanist bracers/netherwind crown don't drop soon, i'm gonna lose it!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 01-06-2006, 02:14 PM   #1258 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
UGH!!! Battlegrounds keeps locking up my PC after 1.9. I can't PVP at all with this crap. I've sent in numerous tickets and posted my problem on the tech support forum but no one can figure out what's causing it. It's happening to a ton of people as well. When I do freeze, I have to reset my PC or try to end task. When that happens, I am labelled a deserter because I left the BG early, even though it was due to a fucking freeze. So I can't enter another BG for 15 minutes because of the deserter debuff, plus half the time I freeze at the end of a match and don't get the marks of honor for losing or winning. This is bullshit.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 01-06-2006, 02:21 PM   #1259 (permalink)
dabossy2k's Avatar
Location: Cali
Man try not being able to res your pet. The only way a hunter can res his pet now is to have a priest or pally/druid do it. Swear it sucks
Recovering nice guy
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Old 01-06-2006, 02:33 PM   #1260 (permalink)
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Location: Kingston, Ontario
Originally Posted by dabossy2k
Man try not being able to res your pet. The only way a hunter can res his pet now is to have a priest or pally/druid do it. Swear it sucks

really?? I resed mine like 4 times last night
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Old 01-06-2006, 02:41 PM   #1261 (permalink)
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Location: Cali
Ya seems to happen if my pet dies and I feign death. THen after I try to res my pet and it says your pet is not dead. After that I use call pet and my pet appears at my feet as a corpse. Had to go into Ironforge and beg to get my pet resd.
Recovering nice guy
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Old 01-06-2006, 04:46 PM   #1262 (permalink)
Scorps's Avatar
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Never had that problem....and I have done what you said, pets dies Feign death, but res works for me. You might want to look into that!
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Old 01-07-2006, 01:10 AM   #1263 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Location: The North
The hunter pet rez problem is a known bug which they claim to have fixed. This is blizzard though, so who knows?

My guild got to Nef Phase 2 with 0 deaths on red/blue drakonids tonight. It was late so we didn't go for a repeat and we were woefully prepared for the transition, but it's a good start. Hopefully have him down in a week or two.
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Old 01-07-2006, 01:36 PM   #1264 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
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Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by Lasereth
UGH!!! Battlegrounds keeps locking up my PC after 1.9. I can't PVP at all with this crap. I've sent in numerous tickets and posted my problem on the tech support forum but no one can figure out what's causing it. It's happening to a ton of people as well. When I do freeze, I have to reset my PC or try to end task. When that happens, I am labelled a deserter because I left the BG early, even though it was due to a fucking freeze. So I can't enter another BG for 15 minutes because of the deserter debuff, plus half the time I freeze at the end of a match and don't get the marks of honor for losing or winning. This is bullshit.
Err.. shouldn't you be farming linen cloth instead of PvPing in battlegrounds?
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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Old 01-07-2006, 02:30 PM   #1265 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Ha ha. I'll stop PVPing when I get rank 10. This week's severe lack of honor is gonna get me nowhere.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 01-07-2006, 03:56 PM   #1266 (permalink)
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Location: Kingston, Ontario
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
The hunter pet rez problem is a known bug which they claim to have fixed. This is blizzard though, so who knows?

My guild got to Nef Phase 2 with 0 deaths on red/blue drakonids tonight. It was late so we didn't go for a repeat and we were woefully prepared for the transition, but it's a good start. Hopefully have him down in a week or two.
They also dais you will not be dazed when in Aspect of Pack but you still do
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Old 01-08-2006, 12:06 PM   #1267 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
I thought you were supposed to be dazed when in Aspect of the Pack, just like Cheetah? It'd be kind of broken if you weren't dazed in Pack.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 01-08-2006, 12:12 PM   #1268 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
seretogis's Avatar
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by Pain Train
They also dais you will not be dazed when in Aspect of Pack but you still do
No, they said that you will not get dazed by each tick of a DoT. Any direct damage will still daze you.
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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Old 01-08-2006, 08:31 PM   #1269 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
Originally Posted by Lasereth
UGH!!! Battlegrounds keeps locking up my PC after 1.9. I can't PVP at all with this crap. I've sent in numerous tickets and posted my problem on the tech support forum but no one can figure out what's causing it. It's happening to a ton of people as well. When I do freeze, I have to reset my PC or try to end task. When that happens, I am labelled a deserter because I left the BG early, even though it was due to a fucking freeze. So I can't enter another BG for 15 minutes because of the deserter debuff, plus half the time I freeze at the end of a match and don't get the marks of honor for losing or winning. This is bullshit.
Haha, not laughing at you but as soon as I read that patch note I knew that would fuck over people. They didn't think that one through.
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:55 AM   #1270 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
Last night, I had that happen to me. Every single person in the Warsong Gulch instance I was in had WoW freeze on them, we all logged back in to WSG and compared notes and discovered that everyone had crashed out. So we used the opportunity to steal the Horde flag a few more times while they were just as disoriented.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:37 PM   #1271 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
Pure subtlety rogue... I've been thinkin about this lately.

1. Improved sap is wonderful, esp in PvP and taking out the mages that like to sit at the back lines.

2. Amazing openings.

Preparation + cheapshot/ambush/garrote (w/ additional chance to get extra combo point) = immediate 4 or 5 point opening.

45% additional chance to crit with Ambush on top of a base 25% (maybe more depending on additional gear) = 70% chance to crit, whic will snag a nice chunk of HP most of the time, and either follow up with a full blown rupture, kidney shot, or take your chance with a crit evis.

Improved rupture will get you a nice 1200 damage DoT on TOP of your crit ambush.

Toss in a gouge here and there..

Setup... 45% chance to get a point if you dodge would be nice for when you toss on evasion.

Depending on which class you're fighting, you pretty much have em down 2000+ HP before they can even do anything, and on top of that you have plenty of room for stun locking.

Seems rather... sexy.

I'd like to use this for PvE as well as PvP.. seems it would work rather nicely in either situation. With my personal play style, I like to stealth and just hit out of nowhere as opposed to head-to-head melee.

Any comments, things I might be missing?

Here's what I've come up with:

Malice Rank 5
Ruthlessness Rank 3

Assassination Total: 8


Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Improved Backstab Rank 1 (had a point left over, so i tossed it in here)

Combat Total: 6


Master of Deception Rank 5
Camouflage Rank 5
Opportunity Rank 5
Initiative Rank 5
Ghostly Strike Rank 1
Improved Ambush Rank 3
Improved Rupture Rank 3
Improved Sap Rank 3
Preparation Rank 1
Improved Cheap Shot Rank 2
Setup Rank 3
Premeditation Rank 1
Subtlety Total: 37

Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60
I love lamp.

Last edited by Stompy; 01-09-2006 at 01:00 PM..
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Old 01-09-2006, 01:04 PM   #1272 (permalink)
-Ever-'s Avatar
Location: San Francisco
I enjoy my sword rogue.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
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Old 01-09-2006, 02:43 PM   #1273 (permalink)
dabossy2k's Avatar
Location: Cali
Originally Posted by Stompy
Pure subtlety rogue... I've been thinkin about this lately.

1. Improved sap is wonderful, esp in PvP and taking out the mages that like to sit at the back lines.

2. Amazing openings.

Preparation + cheapshot/ambush/garrote (w/ additional chance to get extra combo point) = immediate 4 or 5 point opening.

45% additional chance to crit with Ambush on top of a base 25% (maybe more depending on additional gear) = 70% chance to crit, whic will snag a nice chunk of HP most of the time, and either follow up with a full blown rupture, kidney shot, or take your chance with a crit evis.

Improved rupture will get you a nice 1200 damage DoT on TOP of your crit ambush.

Toss in a gouge here and there..

Setup... 45% chance to get a point if you dodge would be nice for when you toss on evasion.

Depending on which class you're fighting, you pretty much have em down 2000+ HP before they can even do anything, and on top of that you have plenty of room for stun locking.

Seems rather... sexy.

I'd like to use this for PvE as well as PvP.. seems it would work rather nicely in either situation. With my personal play style, I like to stealth and just hit out of nowhere as opposed to head-to-head melee.

Any comments, things I might be missing?

Here's what I've come up with:

Malice Rank 5
Ruthlessness Rank 3

Assassination Total: 8


Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Improved Backstab Rank 1 (had a point left over, so i tossed it in here)

Combat Total: 6


Master of Deception Rank 5
Camouflage Rank 5
Opportunity Rank 5
Initiative Rank 5
Ghostly Strike Rank 1
Improved Ambush Rank 3
Improved Rupture Rank 3
Improved Sap Rank 3
Preparation Rank 1
Improved Cheap Shot Rank 2
Setup Rank 3
Premeditation Rank 1
Subtlety Total: 37

Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60
I think this build would be tight but I would probably take out the improved ambush and put it in as the build seems better put toward swords or maces. I would get Hemorrhage and also get IMP SS 3/3. I also wouldnt get you ruthlessness as i think it kinda sucks instead I would put those points in IMP Eviscerate. I would get a slow mace/sword with a high max dmg and a fast off hand sword and go to town.
Recovering nice guy
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Old 01-10-2006, 04:56 AM   #1274 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
What's good about Hemorrhage? (Just wondering).

Maybe I'm missing something, but Hemorrhage says that it's an instant strike that increases physical damage by up to 7 for 30 charges or 15 sec.

I find it hard to dump talent points into this because 7 seems rather... low, unless it does something I'm not aware of that's not listed in the description.
I love lamp.
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Old 01-10-2006, 07:29 AM   #1275 (permalink)
dabossy2k's Avatar
Location: Cali
Well for one it is a instant attack that uses less energy then SS, two it adds a debuff that will allow all other attacks from you or your group to do plus 7 dmg for 15 sec or 30 charges. Its also not a dot so wont break gouge or any stun locking techs while uping your dmg a lot. Three it wasnt normalized like SS in 1.8, so when using a slow weapon it hits a lot harder then SS does.
Recovering nice guy
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Old 01-10-2006, 07:57 AM   #1276 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
Ah, nice! I didn't realize SS used so much energy.

Sweeeeet.. I'm gonna give this build a shot when I get home later on. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I love lamp.
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Old 01-10-2006, 08:35 AM   #1277 (permalink)
dabossy2k's Avatar
Location: Cali
Man I love rogues swear they are the best built class so far so many good builds its hard to go wrong. I have a 21 ass/3 combat/27 sub lets me get pretty high damage and lets me do a lot of stunlocking as it reduces my stealth cool down and ups my gouge time. Also give me hemo and the big blue fist aka cold blooded. Lots of fun to be able to keep someone stuck for the entire fight.
Recovering nice guy
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Old 01-10-2006, 10:45 AM   #1278 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
Totally. I've played every other class (except Pally), and while they're fun and each have their own unique advantages, Rogues definitely seem to stand out from the rest.

If played right, the damage output, stealthing, stunlocking... totally insane fun.

Some quests I don't think I would've been able to do on my own had it not been for stealth. Granted, they have their weaknesses against other classes, but IMO, they're definitely the most fun.

Mages are amazing, too.
I love lamp.
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Old 01-11-2006, 04:12 AM   #1279 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Location: The North
Does anyone have a whiff of a hint of an idea of when full server transfers are going to come out? As in, I pay $40 and my character moves from one server to another?

My current guild is on Nef and does alright, but they do a whole bunch of things that make me want to kill myself on a regular basis. For example: Razorgore was scheduled for 6:30 tonight. Invites started at 6:15. We pulled at 7:30. I waited an hour and fifteen minutes for people who knew when the raid was scheduled to bother to get inside BWL. A few hours later (lag was too bad after we killed Razor to try immediately), we set out to do Vael and a full half hour after we were supposed to pull him, my DSL crashed. I frantically fixed it, logged back in not fifteen minutes later only to discover 1) Vael was dead and 2) DS belt (which I had just told everyone I really wanted) dropped and went to someone who took it only to prevent it from being DE'd. I was told by the raid leader, "Sorry, we didn't know if you were coming back and people were getting antsy. Hope you didn't want that." I sure am glad I waited over an hour and a half for people tonight when they couldn't wait ten minutes for me. Ugh.

I have a standing offer from the top alliance guild on another server that my friend plays on so I'm VERY eager to get there and I was hoping that someone might have some idea of when that might be.

Sorry for the rant, I needed to get that out of my system. So, anyone know?
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Old 01-11-2006, 04:57 AM   #1280 (permalink)
People in masks cannot be trusted
Xazy's Avatar
Location: NYC
You can already do server transfers, but every few weeks they change what servers can transfer. It is normally from a high population to a low. The current eligable servers are the following:
Blackrock (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Warsong (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Illidan (PvP) -> Garithos (PvP)
Proudmoore (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Draka (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Hellscream (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)
Blackhand (PvE) -> Khaz Modan (PvE)

I have a different problem, I just reactivated my account, and my friend (who is unemployed) won't logoff I guess since i am a friend I can allow him cheap entertainment since he cannot afford anything himself. Oh and he plays and improves my char so it isnt horrible.
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