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Old 01-11-2006, 12:54 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: on the road to where I want to be...

Hmm...where do I begin man....where do I begin....

First off, let me say this. Girls at college parties do not want to fuck you because you're witty, or nice, or an all around good guy. They want to fuck an alpha male, a bad ass, someone who doesn't care if she leaves with him or not because he's got bigger fish to fry. You never met this girl before tonight and you don't have to ever see her again, so always keep in mind that you have nothing to lose, so don't act like you're into her. The second you do that, she'll know she has you, and then you're just her bitch. NEVER believe you could not just turn around and walk away and not be any less for it--I do it all the time.

Honestly man picking up college girls is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier if there is drinking AND dancing involved. If you can grab a girl on the dance floor, or grab a girl and bring her TO the dance floor, that's a huge advantage for you--IF you can dance. It gives you a reason to get physically close--and dancing is also a good way to turn girls on. By the way, the key to dancing, is to find the goddamn base line and move naturally to it. Come up with some basic repitious moves you can do and just rock those out like you don't give a shit if anyone is looking--because chances are they're not. The fact that 90% of guys are either horrible dancers or too chicken to do it in the first place will put you at the head of the pack.

Conversation...minimally important. Just don't be boring or talk about stupid shit like how annoying your teacher is. Keep your anecdotes and jokes to a minimum...less is more, and it's better not to talk too much. That's too 'brainy' for girls and really turns them off. What's more important than what you talk about is how you carry yourself, how you act, what kind of vibe she gets from you. Talk about what you did last weekend, plans you want to do with your friends...sporting stuff is always good, skiiing/snowboarding/football/basketball whatever. Try to find a little common ground with her so you can get HER talking about HER crap, but make sure its crap you understand yourself so you can seem knowledgable about the subject.

Other than that man...just never forget, practice makes perfect. To be rejected happens allllllllllllllllllllllllll the time. All the time. This goes for me as well. But you know what? I don't care about rejection because the person doing the rejecting is a stranger to me. I gave it a shot, it wasn't meant to be, nothing personal, whatever. People are people, and they vary WIDELY in their tastes and personalities, so you should NEVER get depressed.

Don't forget the virtue of giving her some time to do her own thing. You need to be patient. Don't follow her like a golden retreiver. After initial contact, if she goes anywhere, be like, 'okay, cya then' unless she makes it a point to ask you to come along. This may mean she doesn't dig you or it may just mean she wants to see if you're going to be a needy little boy...and sometimes it just means she's gonna go spend some time with the people she came to the party with. In the same token, you should also not be afraid to initiate a break off, like, 'listen, i came with a bunch of friends and I'm gonna go check up on em, make sure they're all doin okay ya know? i'm sure we'll bump into each other later' -- the last part of that is key, because it lets her know you're not rejecting her. feel free to make that a little more blunt like ' blah blah blah. but anyways have a nice night, see ya around' if you want to give her a blunt clue.

Another thing is...a lot of girls aren't worth picking up, or talking to. They're stale, no personality, or they're just plain dirty. Learn when to just cut loose and move on when the conversation is stillborn to begin with.

ALso, don't forget, things are only as akward as they seem to you. It doesn't matter WHAT the hell you say or do that might offend her if you can play it cool and just shrug it off like it didn't matter. She will follow your lead--because you're the alpha. If you worry about what she thinks, what she's feeling about you, whatever, you're in her trap and you've lost. You'll tell her what YOU think, show that you have NO attachment to her, and she will be more intrigued and lured in by you for it, because she will not be able to a) control your emotions or b) read what you're thinking.

Basically man, just be yourself with confidence--that's the sexiest thing a guy can do. If the girl doesn't like you, she wasn't a good fit for you anyways, and it's better you got it out of the way rather than waste your time with small talk.

You're the alpha, don't forget it =P

(P.S. as far as getting your foot in the door, this is tried and true. Look around the room...wait for someone to catch your eye, and toss them semi-frequent looks. If her eyes catch yours, don't look away, stare straight at her...don't bug your eyes, maybe cock your head and smile a little bit, and then just walk up to her, shake her hand (the proper way to do this is not the way you shake hands with a guy, you take her hand over the arch of your index finger and between your thumb, like you're thumb wrestling--they will notice this as it shows coolness and class, trust me) and just say, "Hi, I'm <yourname>, who might you be?" Don't RUN up on her, walk slowly, take your time, be cool, she is captivated (or very freaked out) by you at this point. Don't take yourself too seriously in all this...keep your eyes relaxed, gentle, playful--don't look intense like you're moving in for the kill. Women are afraid of men in general, and strange men aggressively staring at them will take you from mysterious to a weirdo really quickly. There is a fine line between being weird/akward/sketchy and being confident and nonchalant. Like I said, practice makes perfect, so take this basic premise and switch it up, but just remember confidence with yourself and indifference to the girl in question are what will win you the bread)
Dont be afraid to change who you are for what you could become

Last edited by kangaeru; 01-11-2006 at 12:59 AM..
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