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Old 01-08-2006, 11:04 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Northern California
Originally Posted by ziadel
Yes I can. The trigger can be shot around, people have made awful triggers work, you can deal with that, but if the bullets dont go where you point the gun, theres really no working around that
Then you should know that the problem with the FAL's accuracy has more to do with the iron sights than anything else. The front sight is mounted on the upper and the rear sight is on the lower ... with aftermarket sights (I see a Comp M in my future) that's even easier to remedy than a creepy trigger. But let's face it, you're going to work to get the best out of your rifle weather it's an FAL or G3 - it's pointless to quibble over issues like that...
A new DSA is made with brand new Badger barrel. I've heard a DSA FAL is capable of sub-moa, but I'll believe it when I see it. I can't testify to that because the rifle still shoots better than I do since I'm mostly a hangunner (BTW- just purchased a brand new Kimber Custom Eclipse II .45 - Hooray for me but blast that California 10 day waiting period.).

Even with my semiauto pistols I don't need match barrels, porting, adjustable sights etc - I'm not a target shooter - I study defensive tactics. Factory barrels are sufficient. Just give me a good trigger, good sights and a gun that goes "bang" when it's supposed to. That's true for my pistols as well as rifles. Some of my friends enjoy shooting 30-06 out to 1000 yards ... I don't. I've studied close quarters more than anything else - that's why I've got an 18" barrel on my FAL rather than 21". That's why I've got a 3 point SOP sling. That's why I'll probably get a Comp M sight instead of a scope - after I train with it.

Originally Posted by ziadel
chilek and I have discussed this, but I think that you think I'm a bigger critic of the FAL than I really am
Well that's a relief to hear.
I should get together with chilek and we'll beat you up in the playground after school

"higher end FAL clone?" Don't even bother with the Century Arms or Enterprise POS FALs. Their manufactured parts are reverse engineered from FAL parts which just wrecks havoc with the tolerances - and you can see that in the variable quality of their rifles. The only FAL makers I'd trust today would be Arizona Response Systems or DS Arms. I'd rather pay double for a good product than gamble for the price of a Century or Enterprise. BTW - you can offset my criticism of the G3's price because I payed $1800 ish to have my DSA built for me.

In fact the DSA is probably the best built FAL of all time ... even better tolerance and performance than the original military item. DSA working with the original Steyer blueprints uses modern CNC technology to assemble rifles instead of single stage machining like in the old days.

I think the FAL has wonderful ergonomics. The charging handle on the left side allows me to manipulate it with my support side, not my firing hand. The magazine release can be reached by my index finger and I can swap mags much more quickly (and positively) than with my AR. The safety lever could be a long reach with your thumb - but with practice it's no big deal.

One thing is for sure ... the DSA FAL is a sexy bitch ... Don't even think of talking trash about my woman .... or else I'll.... I'll .... I shall taunt you mercilessly....

Last edited by longbough; 01-08-2006 at 11:23 AM..
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