Originally Posted by Sultana
I don't think this should have been allowed to be an issue...as far as I know just because one is a swinger doesn't mean that public nudity nor any other inappropriate public behavior is a part of that. The Swinger Event Coordinator (assuming there was one) should have stopped this behavior, and if they didn't, the hotel should have stepped in immediately. I don't understand why that didn't happen.
Even in Canada you can't go around in public with your naughty bits hanging out, eh? ;P
I believe a court recently found that the dual upper naughty bits on women are okay for public access. 
"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions." - Albert Einstein
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." - Plato