While the older i get, I swear the less responsible I get... Late Onset Teenage Rebellion? Who knows...
In order to get a teenager to be responsible, I think they have to be given some responsiblity... starting at a young age... I don't agree with leaving a 9 year old alone and trotting off for a long weekend... but I'm also not sure that you can give a kid absolutely no freedom and then expect them at age 18 - to be ready to be left alone...
I know it's a different timed -- crap it's been 30 years - but at age 11 - I babysat - in the evenings for other people's kids and did this for several years til I could get a job that actually paid more than one dollar an hour. Both my parents worked when I was a kid -- so from 1st grade on-- we'd let ourselves into the house (my sister was a year older) and watch tv - make a snack - do homework until mom came home from work - Never burned down the house...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.