Friend's Evil Girlfriend
Allright, first off, I'm not entirely sure that this is the correct place to post this because, while it does concern a relationship, it's not my own, it's my friend/cousin/roommate's. So mods, feel free.
That being said, this is something that has been driving me and my other roommates crazy for quite sometime. My friend (heretofore Cuz) hooked up with this chick almost immediately after we moved into our apartment. She seemed allright at first, and in fact we were all for it, because Cuz had never really had a serious girlfriend, although he had had sex.
Then we realized that she was a soul-destroying succubus. I know what you're thinking: You guys are just jealous because this new girl has taken one of your best friends from you. A valid point, I know, and I'm sure it isn't helping anything, but trust me, this chick is BAD for Cuz.
I could seriously go on for hours on this chick's transgressions, so I'll try to be brief while still getting my point across.
1) She has cheated on him. He trapped her in a lie, and she admitted to it finally. Now personally that's my golden rule. Any infidelity and you're out of here, but I know some people are different.
2) She continuously lies to him. There have been countless times where she has told him that she was going to bed, and then the next day he finds out that she was at the club, getting trashed off beers bought for her by horny dudes.
3) She tries to control his life. She commands him to come over, or do this, or do that, or whatever, without ever asking if he has plans, or if he's busy. And naturally, he does whatever she says.
Now she's also a bitch quite often, and she doesn't like his friends (understandably I admit, we hate her.), but those things are common and don't spell the end of a relationship, but I think the above numbered offenses are pretty grave, folks. And the thing is, he's tried to end it before, and when he does, he sees her for what she is at first, but then he lets his grieving and sadness get in the way and he takes her back, every single time.
BUT WAIT......DERE'S SCHMORE!!! Not only does he take her back over and over, but before she will accept him back, she turns it around on him. You believe that shit? He now blames himself for everything she's done to him.
Guys, I'm seriously at my wit's end.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons