I live in a California college town where a lot of small-time entrepreneurs market or manufacture hemp-based products -- hemp oil, hemp soaps, etc. Some of them bring in have brought in hemp seeds from Canada that have been certified as sterilized through some process, for use in manufacture. But I think that even then, there's been trouble.
As for the real thing, possession of seeds is illegal, as is growing marijuana for personal use. Although it really depends on where you live. In the town I live in, I don't think anybody's been busted for having a pot plant and grow light in the closet since before the Reagan administration.
But.... to let you know how sick law enforcement can get on such things... there's a hydroponics supply store in this area that used to be just out of town, in the county. Of course a large proportion of the customers were growing weed in their house, in garages or wherever. The county sheriff figured this out and put a regular stakeout on the store. If anybody made big buys or came back regularly, the sheriffs would investigate, get a search warrant, and bust 'em. I think once or twice they raided people growing _legal_ exotic plants. There was a lot of criticism, but the sheriffs wouldn't stop. Finally, the hydroponics store moved inside the city limits, away from the sheriff. And in this town, the cops don't care.
Moral: some people say marijuana makes you paranoid... but sometimes _they_ really are out to get you.