Originally Posted by cj2112
First off Ford did not decided they did not want the Cummins, Dodge had an exclusive contract with Cummins when Ford bought Cummins. In the original contract Dodge negoatiated an option to renew the contract, which they chose to exercise. Ford would prefer to not have to purchase engines from International if they could have a wholly owned subsidiary manufacture them.
Now back on topic, why do you want a diesel?
Dodge was known for having automatic transmission problems with their diesel pickups in the mid 90's, however this is an issue that they seemed to have worked out.
first off, Ford does not own cummins. go look at cummins site, they even made a page adressing this. Ford does not own ANy part of cummins.
I want a Diesel because
1 - I drive a LOT
2 - I plan to tow a lot of welding equipment, which will also run off diesel
3 - I want a truck that will hit 300,000 miles no problem.