Any of you guys suggesting to actually do something to a teacher should be ashamed of yourselves. Teachers are people too and they have good days and bad days like everyone else. Teachers are not robots and they have emotions. You try being on stage for 7-8 hours per day in front of countless faces with eyes,ears, and minds tuned into you and deal with their immaturity all the time on top of teaching curricula. If you have a problem with a teacher, be a man and come in and talk about it. I'm a teacher and I am disgusted by this thread. It is very hard sometimes to hide your feelings when it's time to teach. Sometimes it's even hard to get up in the morning and face the world. Did you ever consider that your teacher might be having a really bad time with life right now and what you would do to this teacher might send her over the edge?
Please again keep in mind teachers are human and have feelings and have stress just like evryone else. Not only are we responsible for your education, but also your safety . In some cases, we have to take the place of parents in the values and ethics department. Just think before you act. Thanks...Class dismissed.
Last edited by MilleniumZeus; 05-23-2003 at 07:23 PM..