I just wanted to interject something here. I went through a situation very very similiar to yours. I acted almost the same way you are acting now. I read your post and some of the things you indicate about not wanting her back, but reconciling the friendship if she does certain things, etc., etc. I used to say these things and the reason I did was simple, I still, after everything she did, wanted her back. I hoped that she would magically see what she was doing, and that the love in her heart would make her change. Then one day, I woke up, and was out-of-love, and for the first time saw her for what she was. The fact of the matter is, you need to realize that she is not going to have a change of heart, because there is no love in her heart. My opinion is if you really love someone, there is no possible way you can do what she did to you. Realize, she used you, she is a horrible person and no matter how much you hope she can change, she is not going to. Take the blinders off and see the real her.