The Drunken Google Theory
I'm here to propose the Drunken Google Theory.
The Drunken Google Theory: Any Googling done while drunk will produce different results than a Google done while sober, but only if the result is one that would be undesired while sober.
Since this is a fairly mundane, and incosequential theory, I have posted it under nonsense, even though it could have drastic impact upon many individuals.
Has anyone found any evidence to support or invalidate this theory? Please share.
My evidence to suppor the Drunken Google Theory: I did a Google while drunk, looking for a previously ex-friend, only to somehow find her where I had previously failed while sober, it would probably have been best if I didn't, because of choices she had made, and issues in her life.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.