Originally Posted by ratbastid
Pippin' Christmas, everybody!
You are right to remind us ratbastid...
At this time of year is it VERY important to remember MERRY... after all that is what this time of year is all about... being MERRY.
But we should also remember that there are those who chose different modifiers... in the UK they just don't know the joys of MERRY. They are very much on the Happy Christmas side of things.
I dusted off my copy of the US constitution and found this:
Originally Posted by US Constitution
"Congress shall make no law respecting the preference of modifier, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of modifying..."
We must remember that during this time when we are all trying to be Merry that we should also respect the wishes of the heathens that would be Happy or even Very Happy.
We must learn to tolerate the differences. The best way to celebrate the season is to be as MERRY as possible and let them see what they are missing.
We must remember that for us it is all about MERRY.