Okay, I see what you mean about your brother. I apologize for not checking your journal first, but I am a delinquent journal reader at times.
Now, as for this:
Originally Posted by raeanna74
It is not a healthy one even judging by how average relationships go. -snip- The difference in the kind of relationship needed for swinging is one that is handled in a mature way. Not a super relationship per se but one that both participants are committed to one another and respect each other.
I see how unhealthy your brother's relationship is, that it is "below-average." I wonder, though, can an "average" relationship sustain swinging?... that is, if everyone *wanted* to try swinging, could most people (the bell-curve) handle it? Or is it really a matter of taste and what people want to try?
I guess it all depends on whether or not "average" means people are mature, communicating, committed, and respectful... gee, that sounds more like above-average!