Originally Posted by thingstodo
Actually, lifting burns more fat - usually. It's the lower heart rate and how your body processes energy. And the amount of fat or carbs (aka, sugar) burned during cardio is directly proportional to the heart level you are training at based on your body and the specific point for you where you make the transition from processing fat to processing sugar.
I agree that a total anaerobic excircise will burn fat almost exclusively, but a workout lifting isn't totally anaerobic - at least mine aren't.
However, I was trying to more answer the question of effeciency. Assuming a one hour workout where your goal is strenght and overall cardio fitness, how do you maximize that hour? Most will say lift first, which is more anaerobic than aerobic, you wil burn calories at a lower heart rate burning sugar and fat, then when you run your body will have already burned most if not all the stores of sugar, so then when you run and get into your "zone" your body will burn mostly fat.