Originally Posted by la petite moi
Sage, I am opposed to the killing of animals for sport because it is cruel and has lead to the endangerment of many species. I know many will argue that we need to kill animals to keep the population to a minimum, but killing for fun is wrong in my opinion.
Honestly when I hunted it was for a chance to get out doors with a group of close friends; to me the actual hunting was an afterthought.
Whenever we hunted, we'd be hunting white tail deer, like most people I assume, and we would process the meat and eat it. We wouldn't kill a deer just for the sake of getting to kill something. And most years whenever we would kill two deer (between my dad and me) we would donate the meat to a family who needed it.
Saying that hunting an animal for sport leads to the endangerment of an animal shows a lack of understanding about, at least in this case, deer hunting. Hunting where I've hunted has required a license and a limit, you can't just go around shooting deer, you have to tag each deer and have them processed when you go to have the meat processers take care of your meat.
I suppose it would be impossible to persuade some one to have a change of opinion on hunting, though, as it's purely a philosophical opinion as to whether hunting for sport is alright or not, so I'll leave my opinion there since there's really no use in persuading that kind of thing.