Upon reflection I didn't want this thread to be about my thoughts v's defending the cheaters perspective... I wanted to discuss other aspects or avenues for dealing with issues of cheaters and being a victim of cheating.
Way back in the beginning I missed focusing on Mantus's questions here (and I'm sorry I missed it, I was just too caught up on other points).
Originally Posted by Mantus
On top of that, I worry about denial on the victim's part. Do people know how to people know how to re-start a relationship after such an event? Forgiveness is easy; patching it up aint. If someone has an affair they are showing disrespect for their partner. How do get up from such a blow? If there is no repsect how can anything else happen?
There are other great points here, like Mal's point of open-relationships, and my point about dealing with the aftermath for both parties (the cheater and the victim). I'd really like the focus to be 'working through issues of cheaters and cheating', how can it be accomplished?
I think there is a lot of room for thought and discussion, but maybe not. I'll leave that to you to decide...